Not Your Billboard Attorneys
Have You Been Involved in a Motorcycle Accident in South Florida?

The advent of spring typically means more recreational motorcyclists will be traveling our roads, and with this, the probabilities of serious and even fatal motorcycle accidents will increase exponentially.
While traffic accident statistics reveal that most motorcycle accidents are caused by failure of car and truck motorists to be fully aware of motorcyclists sharing the road, many such serious accidents result from motorcyclists exceeding the speed limits, carelessly switching lanes, or not wearing safety helmets.
If you are a motorcyclist ready to enjoy spring weather on the open road, make sure to drive safely and take all the proper, common sense precautions – obey all traffic rules and regulations, and make especially sure you and any passengers wear a helmet. And if you are a regular car or truck driver, please pay special attention to motorcycles on the roads in Miami-Dade, Broward and Palm Beach. Remember, motorcyclists have as much right to use the roads as you do.
If you or a loved one have suffered injuries in a motorcycle accident due to the negligence of others, please contact Hilda R. Ramirez Gainza or Juan Gainza at the Gainza Law Group now, at (954) 463-1210 to arrange for a free case review to advise you about your rights, answer your questions, and address all your legal concerns with courtesy and promptness. We will work diligently to represent your best interests, and we will always keep you informed each and every step of the way on the status of your case.